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Rare Smiley on the Sky !…..

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Dr. Debiprosad Dari, Scientist, Kolkata, 24th March 2023. People in Kolkata were enthralled with a spectacular experience of observing a bright spot of light just below the crescent Moon in the evening western sky. Received enormous number of phone calls to explain the issue.

Today there was a relatively rare occurrence of Lunar Occultation of Venus! From Kolkata Venus went behind the Moon at around 16:44 hrs. and reappeared at around 18:08 hrs. So, for Kolkata enthusiasts Venus was missing behind the crescent moon for 1 hr. 25 minutes. This duration was different for different geographical positions.
Was on the road, but somehow managed to get couple of shots of this exquisite beautiful view . Not a very rare occurrence but this time the timing, position and the crescent moon was perfect for such a smiley shot !
Though Venus and Moon appears to be close to each other, but today the Earth-Moon distance is around 3,87,000 km whereas the Earth-Venus distance is 185.2 million km. So, in reality they are quite far apart.

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