News Stardom: Kolkata, 21st. April 2020. TECNO, the global premium smartphone brand, launched the campaign #FINDTHENEWYOU, which creatively connects, engages, entertains, and motivates its customers, employees and channel partners amid the nationwide lockdown. The activities that have been rolled out as part of the campaign are Hack-sploring, #FindTheNewYou contest and TECNO RAKSHAKS –
‘TECNO RAKSHAKS’ is a WAP-based game that lets people play and also raise funds for the Prime Minister’s war chest put together to fight COVID-19. But rather than the players paying for it, for every ten points that they will score, TECNO, on their behalf, will contribute Re1 towards the PM Cares Fund. Consumers will not have to download third-party applications to access the game, it can be played on any browser. Participants need to login using their Facebook profile or play as a guest. To score in the game, players need to swipe and kill the deadly coronavirus. There is no limit on the number of times the game can be played. Through ‘Hack-sploring’ TECNO has reached out to its stakeholders with a creative photography hack and contest which teach and inspire them to creatively use their everyday environment and properties to take the perfect photograph, thereby finding the professional photographer in them.
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