News Stardom: 23rd January 2020 They say that you are what you eat and eating healthy is becoming a global revolution. People are slowly driving towards a natural, fresh, locally produced nutritional diet plan. The Stadel, a boutique hotel within the Salt Lake stadium has been the progenitor of many creative, social, cultural and sporting events. And the Farmer’s Market is the latest in its quiver in giving back to society and contributing to sustainable living. The venue is the Green Park and ‘Planet to Plate’, will be on the 25 th & 26 th Jan 2020 from 8:30 am to 12 noon.The Farmer’s Market is in association with West Bengal State Rural Livelihood Mission and is being curated by ‘Endless Possibilities’. Planet to Plate – Farmer’s Market is aimed at helping local farmers and self help groups, especially women. We want to provide farmers with a feedback on their products so that they can grow and produce items which are in popular demand and can help them earn better. In the market you will find quite a selection of local, fresh and natural products such as rice, lentils, fruits , vegetables, eggs, honey, pickles, kasundi, chutney, mushrooms, spices, legumes, jam, jelly, sauce, papad, honey, jaggery, fresh juices, smoothies and more. It will also include compost for your plants. Some of the star attractions will also be: black rice, brown rice, assorted boris and jaggery. There is no entry charge.
The Stadel will keep live stations at the Farmer’s Market where expert Chefs will rustle up delicacies like kullhar tandoori chai, stuffed parathas, South Indian dishes and much more from the fresh products of our own farmers. ‘Planet to Plate’ is also a minimal plastic waste zone and we encourage you to carry your own environment friendly bags for shopping.
The vision behind Planet to Plate is to empower local farmers, producers and women spearheading self help groups. It also aims at creating a bridge between urban consumers and local farmers who are the producers. Without supporting our rural community, we cannot thrive. Indian economy has been primarily agri -based however the time has come where it should now be intelligent, sustainable and environment friendly to reap greater rewards in the future.
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