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Out of Control….

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Moubani Sorcar : Actress & Dancer.

If it does not touch the heart,
I would never like to evolve as smart…
It is not rocket science but our home grown art…
Of living a life of fulfilment,
Some are afraid of aimless arrangements…
Of deeds strung together,
To create music in any weather,
But to all silence is but not great sound,
Gloomy greys in weather are not only rancid oil,
With which nothing can be cooked,
Also as hardships and toil,
Would make the dreams unfold,
Like the tiffin which your mother packed with much adoration,
Loving life is not a job made out of admiration…
Moreover it is the desire to correlate,
That makes me immitate…
Nature in all its colours,
And the storm would not necessarily be the tornado..
But as a viewer watches a movie trailor..
With the moving sun so will the shadow.
In every breath must be life,
The rotten part of fruit removed with a knife.


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