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Utpal Chatterjee : kolkata, 27th. March 2024. Nostalgia,sheer nostalgia ! To many,ROMAN HOLIDAY was a dream. Geogory Peck played the role of a journalist who remained conscientious and true to his word till the end.Audrey Hepburn made her debut as the dream princess who itched for a taste of freedom and found it in the company of a handsome,elderly journalist ( she never knew he was one until the very end).When I watched the film for the first time,I,too, was awe struck.Never, in my wildest dreams could I have imagined that one day,as a real journalist,I would spend some time of our own during an unscheduled meeting with a real Princess the whole world had seen and heard about,the incomparable ( late) Princess Diana in 1991 ! I,too, remained conscientious but she knew my identity all along. Dreams do come true and wonders never cease !

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