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Madan Mohan: An Enchanting Saga book Released….

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Staff Reporter : Kolkata, 16th. December 2023. In a ground-breaking initiative to promote and celebrate Vaisnava research and literature, the Mandala Foundation, and the Bhaktivedanta Research Center (BRC) have collaborated to co-publish The Vaishnava Studies Series—a unique endeavour aiming to showcase the most recent and impactful research on Vaishnavism. The publishers are thrilled to announce the latest addition to this ongoing series—a 172-page book titled ‘Madan Mohan: An Enchanting Saga’.

Released simultaneously in Jagannath Puri and Vrindavan during the auspicious month of Kartik, this volume is an absorbing blend of heartfelt devotion and rigorous scholarship. The author, Sushant Bharati, is a devout follower of Gaudiya Vaishnavism initiated into the illustrious Radha Raman parivar in Vrindavan and possesses an academic background in architectural conservation—a combination that uniquely positions him to illuminate the built heritage of Braj. Having long harboured the desire to contribute to the scholarship concerning the Braj region, his desire received a concrete shape upon meeting Gauranga Dasa, the Director of Govardhan Eco Village (GEV), ISKCON. Gauranga Dasa encouraged the author to write a document expounding the religious and historical significance of the Madan Mohan temple in Vrindavan. The result is this masterpiece that takes readers on a devotional odyssey to the Madan Mohan temple.
The Madan Mohan temple in Vrndavana was built in the 16th century under the guidance of Srila Sanatana Goswami—the eldest of the illustrious Six Goswamis of Vrindavana. Situated on the bank of the Yamuna, this magnificent temple remains one of the oldest temples in Vrndavan, where Lord Madan Mohan is worshiped with His eternal consort Sri Srimati Radharani and Sri Lalita Sakhi. Standing as a living testament to the enduring devotion of countless people through the centuries, the temple is an embodiment of resilience, unwavering dedication and architectural splendour.
Expertly weaving the strands of devotion, history and architecture, ‘Madan Mohan: An Enchanting Saga’ effectively captures the multifaceted significance of the Madan Mohan temple and its rich and vibrant history. The book begins by chronicling the life and precepts of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, highlighting his exchanges with Srila Rupa and Sanatana Goswamis. It subsequently takes readers to the Dwadashaditya Tila where Sanatana Goswami dwelt with Lord Madan Mohan and describes how Srila Krishna Das Kaviraja Goswami sought Lord Madan Mohan’s permission for his monumental undertaking of composing Sri Caitanya Caritamrta.
Against the backdrop of the temple’s broader history, the book reveals numerous fascinating details, including Lord Madan Mohan’s intervention to help the salt merchant Ramdas Kapoor, the Mughal court’s imperial orders in favour of the Madan Mohan temple, the temple’s world-famous shikharas (spires), and the contributions of notable poets in the Lord’s veneration. Also revealed are intriguing facts, such as the contributions of two renowned modern artists regarding the Madan Mohan temple, as well as the global recognition garnered by paintings depicting this temple.

Other topics covered include Lord Madan Mohan’s arrival from Kamvan to Jaipur and subsequently to Karauli, with a detailed description of the architecture of the Lord’s temples in Jaipur, Karauli, and Vrindavan. The book concludes by chronicling the construction of a precise-scale model of the Madan Mohan temple at GEV—a culmination of persistent efforts in the face of countless setbacks.
Dr. Sumanta Rudra, academic dean of BRC, shares feelings of great joy over the release of this book: “It’s extremely fulfilling to see this book out in the world. The BRC is committed to preserving and sharing the treasures of Vaishnava philosophy and culture worldwide. Thus, we sincerely pray and hope to be able to continue bringing forth an ever-greater number of literary contributions like this one.”
Reading ‘Madan Mohan: An Enchanting Saga’ is akin to going on a sacred pilgrimage through the enchanting world of Lord Madan Mohan, a pilgrimage where the boundaries of space and time are transcended as the reader traverses seamlessly through the corridors of history, sacred geography, transcendental architecture and contemporary marvels of devotional offering—all of which combinedly absorb the mind in a one-pointed meditation on Lord Madan Mohan.

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