News Stardom: Bhubaneswar, 1st. March 2020 Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar celebrated the National Science Day and 10th Research Scholar Day starting from February 27th-28th, 2020 in order to commemorate the invention of the Raman Effect by the Indian physicist and Nobel Laureate Sir C. V. Raman. The event comprised of a poster presentation session by the Research Scholars which was inaugurated by the Prof. R.V. Rajakumar where the Research Scholars showcased their research findings through posters and explained their research works to all. The Chief Guest for the National Science Day on 28th Feb, 2020 was Prof. Suddhasatwa Basu, Director CSIR-IMMT, Bhubaneswar.
Speaking on the Occasion, Prof. R.V. Rajakumar, Director, IIT Bhubaneswar, says, “Science has made our lives easier, comfortable and productive. Our day starts as well as ends with same. On this day, I salute all scientists and in particular the great Indian scientists who brought glory to our country from time and immemorial and worked to make our lives better. At IIT Bhubaneswar, we need to re-dedicate ourselves to cause of science and technology helping us to shape the face of a new growing India. At present the need of the hour is to stretch ourselves to carry on research of higher relevance, come out with better science and technology creations, conscious about the need for sustainable, eco-friendly, green and energy-efficient technologies and have more reliable manufacturing. I also urge the students to develop a good overview and understanding of the research problems and apply high level of creativity.”
Prof. Suddhasatwa Basu, Director CSIR-IMMT, Bhubaneswar explained several complex aspects of science and technology lucidly and in an easy to understand manner by giving day to day life examples. He stressed on the role of teachers in nurturing students to develop scientific temperament. He further talked about the role of women in the field of Science and Technology along with highlighting various esteemed personalities during his talk. He also put across the statistics pertaining to women country wise and stressed on educating the girl child and empowering them for the progress and development of the nation. Lastly before ending he talked about the new initiatives undertaken from his end along with ongoing research areas that he is currently focussing on.
The event was followed by announcement of the three best posters, as evaluated by a panel members at IIT Bhubaneswar. The prizes and certificates were awarded to the Research Scholars of these posters. The event was celebrated in the presence of the students, research scholars, faculty members and the functionaries of the Institute. Also present during the event were Prof. R.K. Panda, Dean Alumni Affairs & International Relations, Prof. Sujit Roy, Dean Research and Development (R & D), Prof. V R Pedireddi, Dean Student Affairs, Dr. P R Sahu, Dean Academic Affairs and Col (Dr) Subodh Kumar, Registrar, IIT Bhubaneswar besides faculty, staff and students. The programme ended with vote of thanks.
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