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Utpal Chatterjee : Kolkata, 24th. May 2024. Indeed, acclaimed tennis coach and my good friend Gary O’Brien’s first book was launched very smartly before a packed house at DI.It all started with high tea during which the book was bought by so many at a 25% discount.The cover itself speaks of “Pathway to smarter tennis..30 years of tennis coaching experience shared in a book,filled with Creativity , Innovation, Fun, Activities, Mental and Tactical Challenges..”The proceedings were soon taken over by the very affable Gary himself.He called several celebrities and well known personalities for interactions on the podium.These included,among others,Hockey legend Gurbux Singh,Enrico Piperno and Yours Truly in his own capacity,the DI hierarchy comprising it’s President Jayajit Biswas and Senior Vice President S.Hannan Ali.Leslie D’Gama,DI Junior Vice-President,was richly praised for his association with Gary since his school days.There were others like Karan Malhotra,his first ever trainee,Shayan Munshi and so many others who learnt to play better and one,in fact,has become a fine coach herself.Incidentally,this is the first tennis book written by an Indian coach. Among so many takeaways from such an absorbing and entertaining evening was what Gary wrote inside cover of my copy of the book,”To Utpal,Thank you for the connections.Thank you for being the man who helped me start it all…the passion,the memories,the bend.Much love,GARY” Here’s wishing and hoping you conquer the tennis world with your coaching skills,Gary.

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