News Stardom: Kolkata,12th.February 2020. Bengal Service Society’s New Initiative, PrabirKanungo Centre For Children’s Socialisation, First Of Its Kind Integrated Centre For Children’s Socialisation Opened In Kolkata
PrabirKanungo Centre In Association With Mumbai’s NeuroGen Brain & Spine Institute To Offer Neuro Rehabilitation Therapies For West Bengal Patients.
Prabir Kanungo Centre For Children’s Socialisation, located at 83, Regent Estate, Kolkata is a new initiative of Bengal Service Society, NeuroGen Brain and Spine Institute (Mumbai) and Blooming Dale Academy (High School). PrabirKanungo Centre for Children’s Socialisation (PKC) which primarily emphasizes on developing social skills of children was inaugurated today, by Dr Alok Sharma, leading Neurosurgeon and Director, NeuroGen Brain and Spine Institute Mumbai. Besides, the dignitaries present for the inauguaration were eminent actress Smt.Papiya Adhikari, Hon’ble MLA Shri Sujan Chakraborty, Member Mayor in Council Sri Debabrata Majumdar, Corporate Public Relation expert Smt Rita Bhimani. PKC is the first of its kind in our country with the objective of nurturing healthy interaction and social habits, in a joyful environment.
Shri Krishnendu Kanungo, son of Prabir Kanungo and President, Bengal Service Society said “While we race to keep pace in a fast moving world our children grow up in a lonely environment with only the social media and smart phones to keep them company, Hence, we hear of mutism, depression and aggression in children more than ever before. They need someone to communicate with. It is hard to be a parent. It is tougher to be the parent of a child who struggles to learn simple All Day Living activities or has gone into a shell because the child has nobody to communicate with. Trust, help, and support of competent therapists and social workers along with participation in events, activities, games and conversations, are essential to bring to these children a healthy childhood. This is precisely what we are aiming at in PKC.”
PKC will cater to children in the age group between 4 -14 years. Two wings of the Centre will be socialisation through activities and neuro rehabilitation therapies. In the socialization wing of the centre, the activities that PKC would offer includes, group games, photography, story book reading, story writing sessions, board games, nature walks, open stage for performances, interaction with eminent persons every month, gardening, library, film show, Quiz, creative painting and craft and much more. The activities in socialization wing are much different from any other centre and all at a very nominal charge.
The second wing of PKC which is being set up under the expert guidance of NeuroGen Brain & Spine Institute Mumbai will offer neuro rehabilitation program for patients and the therapies that will be offered are Speech Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Play therapy, Physiotherapy, Dance and Music therapies.Rehabiliation therapies which is post operative care for patients play a very significant role in regenerative medicine. Regeneration and Rehabilitation works hand in hand for effective successful treatment.
The project gains a uniqueness, because it is housed at the residence of DhirajChoudhury a painter of international fame. The support and enthusiasm of his daughter SmtReshmiBanerjee in supporting the concept is appreciable. ReshmiBanerjee says” It makes me extremely happy that something so vibrant is happening in the residence of my father. Nothing would have made him happier as all his artwork has been a reflection of social cause”.
Dr Alok Sharma Professor & Head of Neurosurgery, LTMG Hospital & LTM Medical College, Sion Mumbai and Director NeuroGen Brain & Spine Institute said“Till date, there is no such centre where socialization is coupled with therapies. Also there are only a handful of centres in Kolkata where all the therapies are under one roof. Neurological disorders amongst children are on the rise that’s autism, cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy etc. Till date, we have treated around 350 patients from various parts of West Bengal for various disorders. Today, the only companion for children is the smart phone and iPad as both parents are working. This centre will give all children an opportunity to interact and get over their loneliness. Besides, this tie up will also ensure the medical intervention for the children coming here. Also, this will be the venue for the medical OPD of NeuroGen at regular intervals. Such integrated centre will be a boon for children and patients in Eastern India. Through our small survey conducted we found the scarcity of such centres not only in Eastern India but also in Nepal, Bangladesh and Bhutan”
Smt. PradiptaKanungo, Secretary, Bengal Service Society said “All therapies and activities are directed towards developing social skills and personality development. Play is at the heart of what we do at PKC. Our role is to provide a suitable fun, caring, warm and welcoming environment for children to build friendships, develop skills, be creative and explore through play. We aim to create an atmosphere in which our children feel comfortable and can develop confidence, self-esteem, co-operative skills and independence. It is also very important for us that our children’s families feel comfortable in club, so we strive to develop and maintain good relationships with parents, carers and other family members.”
As parents, we are concerned about the learning ability of our children. Learning is a process that is consistent with the growth and development of the child. So when there is a deficit in learning it is but natural that parents start getting worried. It is not a disease nor a disability. It is a neurologically based processing problem which interferes with the basic learning skills such as reading, writing and arithmetic calculations. They may also have difficulty in organising themselves, time management, abstract thinking and memory. Such difficulty also cause problems not only in academics but also in their personal and social life, leading to isolation and loneliness. Here, we give these children the additional support of therapies under the expert guidance of Neurogen Brain and Spine Institute Mumbai, who have made a mark in this field of work internationally.
Dr NandiniGokulchandran, Deputy Director, NeuroGen Brain and Spine Institute said“Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) are a group of childhood developmental disorders that are characterized by problems in social interaction and communication followed by rigid and repetitive behavior. In children with autism, functioning of some areas of the brain is compromised. This leads to problems in understanding, thinking abilities, speech, interactions and communications, play, learn and in relating to others. Despite a normal physical appearance, the daily functioning of the child is affected.As parents or caretakers one may frantically look for all possible treatment options for their children. Autism management requires a multi-disciplinary treatment approach which includes administration of certain drugs to control a few behavior issues as well as planned therapy programs such as psychological intervention occupational therapy, special education, speech therapy and physiotherapy. NeuroGen has been able to successfully help autistic children with their personalized treatments according to each children. Similarly, NeuroGen has been able to treat various other disorders like cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, intellectual disability, spinal cord injury etc etc. “
Social development is tied to many other parts of child’s overall development, which is why it’s important to start socialization with other children at a young age. Social interaction helps young children to start to develop their sense of self, and also start to learn what others expect from them.By playing with other children, they learn skills that stick with them their whole life. Sharing, setting boundaries, and problem solving all come from socializing and interacting. Children learn to have empathy for other people; recognize when their friends are sad or mad or even happy! Kids eventually will start to use these skills at home with their parents, siblings, or even pets.
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