Utpal Chatterjee : kolkata, 8th. March 2024.
Many years ago,when I was just a boy,I was sitting on a couch on a hot,humid day, sipping frozen juice.For company,I had an uncle…..my mother’s brother. As he talked about adult life, marriage, responsibilities and obligations,he thoughtfully stirred the ice cubes in his glass and cast a clear,sober look at me. “Never forget your friends,”he advised,”they will become more important as you get older.” “Regardless of how much you love your family,you will always needfriends. Remember to go out with them occasionally,do activities with them,call them …”
I obeyed him;kept in touch with my friends and,annually, increased their number.Over the years,I became aware that my uncle knew what he was talking about!
In as much as time and nature carry out their designs and mysteries on a man,friends are the bulwarks of his life.
After so many years of life, here is what I learned: Time passes. Life goes on. The distances increase. Children grow up and become independent and although it breaks the parents’ hearts,they are often separated from them. Jobs come and go. Illusions, desires, attractions, … weaken.
People often do what they should not.
Parents die. Colleagues forget the favours.
The ‘races’ are over. But true friends are always there,no matter where they may be,even abroad.
A friend is never more distant than the reach of a need, reaching out to you intervening in your favour,waiting for you with open arms or with Blessings for your life.
When we started this adventure called LIFE, we did not know of the incredible joys or sorrows that lay ahead.
We did not know how much we would need from one another.
Love your parents,take care of children,but always keep a group of good friends.*Thank God,I have been so fortunate to find such great friends.
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