Subroto ghose
Indian Society of Assisted Reproduction- Bengal Chapter is organising its sixth Annual Conference “Fertility Conclave 2019” at South City Club Auditorium on 16th and 17th November.
Growing trend in Infertility is a real concern for everybody for which World Health Organisation has declared Infertility as a new epidemic. One in four couple now seeks specialist opinion for childlessness. Currently more than thirty IVF units are actively operating in West Bengal with almost all gynaecologists are practicing basic infertility.
Indian Society of Assisted Reproduction is now the largest organisation for such specialists with more than 2000 members. Bengal chapter has got more than 200 members and working as the key link among all these consultants for propagation of knowledge and Technology. It also holds regular Infertility camp for the patient for raising awareness and knowledge for common people.
Like every year, this year ISAR Bengal has organised its 6th annual conference, which will be attended more than 200 delegates, 70 local and six National Faculties. Over two days, the specialists will deliberate on intrinsic details of infertility treatment, counselling and new technologies.
Dr. Sudip Basu has said that for the first time, ISAR Bengal is felicitating twelve senior most infertility consultants for their contribution to the society in the field OF Assisted Reproduction. Inauguration ceremony will be graced by Chief Guest – Justice Vivek Chowdhury, Mrs. Nilanjana Chakrabarty, Mrs. Kaninica Banerjee along with professor B N Chakrabarty.
This programme would not be possible without active inspirational involvement of following members who organised the following sessions:
Basic Infertility – Dr. Madhab das,Male Infertility – Dr. Rohit Gutgutia, Infection – Dr. Siddhartha Chatterjee, Embryology – Dr. Ratna Chattopadhaya, Genetics – Dr. Dipanjana Datta and Mrs. Saroj Agarwal, Endoscopy – Dr. Suparna Banerjee, Reproductive Endocrinology – Dr. Konkon Mitra,Counselling – Dr. Sagarika Basu and Mrs. Bratati Basu.
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