News Stardom: Kolkata,3rd. February 2020 D Wish organized a Fashion show and musical concert. All the special children will of the took part in it.Singer Benzy Kumar (Three National awards and two Limca Book of Awards to her credit) & Korok Biswa (Won Rashtriya Bal Puraskar2020 in the Art and Culture category) were there at the event with the children of D Wish.The show designed by renowned choreographer Raktim Goswami. Veteran actor Lily Chakraborty inaugurated the event by the light of the lamp with the founder of Dwish Sumitra Paul Bakshi & Jayashree Sen Sarkar the initiator of the whole event.
Actor Anirban Ghosh, Anuradha Mukherjee & Ishaan Mazumdar also graced the occasion. The aim of the program is to showcase the talent of special needs children and creating awareness among society about the special needs population.
It was an inspiring evening created by all the special children. They proved nothing is impossible. And the mothers of the children are really super MOM.
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