Organized a first of its kind Victory ride on Horse Cart for the Cancer Survivors in KolkataNews Stardom: Kolkata, 4 February, 2020: D. S. Research Centre organized a ‘Victory ride’ for the Cancer Survivors and a Walkathon in Kolkata on the occasion of World Cancer Day. D. S. Research Centre also took pledge to make India cancer free in the new decade. The walkathon along with the Horse cart Ride started from Phoolbagan to C.I.T more.
The route of the ride was Phoolbagan – Kankurgachi – Phoolbagan – C.I.T more – Swabhumi – Phoolbagan. The Centre launched a massive nationwide campaign on the occasion under the theme of “I am and I Will” highlighting the role of Ancient Ayurveda, motivation, togetherness and courage in fighting cancer. Dr. Anirban Bhattacharya, Dr. Shibangi Das and Dr. Samrat Mukherjee, Ayurvedacharya, DSRC were present to brief the media.
Focusing on the New Year and decade, D. S. Research Centre believes that every sunrise of this decade will bring confidence in the cancer patients to fight this menace with courage and also will make the society a happy place to live in without the fear from cancer. The Centre came up with multiple Cancer Awareness campaigns across the length and breadth of India. World Cancer Day is the ideal platform to educate the general mass about Cancer and eradicating the myths attached with it since time unknown in order to save million lives by fighting against Cancer.
To support the cause, the day started with a walkathon and horse cart ride with the active participation of more than 100 students including Cancer patients and survivors, Doctors and DSRC members, creating awareness about different types of Cancer which was followed by a motivational session for the cancer patients and cancer survivors who emerged victorious in their fight against the Cancer, highlighting the role of Ancient Ayurveda at D. S. Research Centre.
With the mission to offer comprehensive services from prevention to palliation at an affordable price, based on core values of quality, ethics, compassion and respect for all, D. S. Research Centre has always served to prevent and treat cancer by providing the path breaking Ancient Ayurveda based Nutrient Energy Treatment of International Standard and providing Hope, Health and Happiness to cancer patients all around the world.
D.S. Research Centre takes pledge on World Cancer Day to make India cancer free in the new decade
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