News Stardom: Kolkata,16th February 2020: In line with its vision to help people live better, healthier lives, Amway India, one of the leading FMCG Direct Selling companies in the country, supported the Sukanya Run organized by the Bidhannagar Police department. Aimed at promoting safety and empowerment of women, Sukanya Run was flagged off by top officials of the Kolkata Police department and witnessed participation from thousands of citizens including several Amway Direct Sellers. Amway has always been a firm believer and supporter of women empowerment. The company continues to reach out to women in various communities to impart life skills and empower them to reach their true potential.Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Chandra Chakraborty, Vice President – East, Amway India, said, “Amway India is proud to be a part of this run which is aimed at supporting safety and empowerment of women. Women are an integral part of our society and it is imperative that their individual potential be fully tapped and nurtured. At Amway, we have always believed in empowering women and this has been a core focus area for us. We thank the Bidhannagar Police Department for giving us the opportunity to support this initiative”. To keep the participants energized and hydrated, Amway provided the participants with energy drinks – XS and Nutrilite All Plant Protein Powder from Amway’s nutrition range. Additionally, Amway also gave away gift hampers filled with Amway products to all the podium finishers.
“Amway” India partners with Bidhannagar Police to organize ‘Sukanya Run’ to promote safety and empowerment of women…..
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