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Press Meet: Press Club, Kolkata. Attend Doctor’s – Dr. Subarna Goswami, Dr. Utpal Banerjee, Dr. Sakil Akhtar, Dr. Swagata Mukherjee, Dr. Pabitra Goswami, Dr. Koushik Rakshit & Mr. Abhoy Ghosal.

News Stardom: Kolkata, 6th.March 2020 Since the British apllied the theory of “Divide and rule” India has always remained vulnerable to communal conflict. More than half a century of post independence Govt. misrule and their “soft Hindutwa” line paved the pathway for rise of RSSbacked Hindu fanatic party.

On the other hand, infiltration of Muslim fanatics, even in official machinery has made Pakistan a heaven of terrorists who patronises cross border terrorism.

Now, with the Hindu fanatics at the helm of affair in India too, the situation got worse since last few years and resulted more number of army and civilian death mainly in Kashmir.

Inhuman high handedness of the army, unprecedented unemployment, threat by the central rulers to withdraw special constitutional previlages of Kashmir and various other causes have pushed a number of Kashmir youths towards terrorism.

Barring a few exception, in every election, Kashmir has been used as a gamble played between the central rulers and oppertunistic local leaders, who are ready to compromise with heaven or hail for their narrow gains.


The tainted ” Riot Hero” of Gujrat is now at the top. Expectedly the transborder tesion and tension inside the country has reached its zenith.

More over the current ruling Govt has failed in all aspects, in utter contradiction to its declared goal of “Achhe din”. Hence, it has utilised the excuse of PULOMAOWA terrorist attack to infuse jingoism amongst the mass so that their attention get diverted.

This way they hope ,all their mis-deeds will lose lime light and the country will vote Hindutva forces to power again, which will ultimately lead to communal riot, exudous of minorities and finally ruin of the country.

Soldiers, minorities and mainly Kashmiri people are scape goat. The later are being attacked here and there of the whole nation. Most shamefully our Bengal, which was once a citadel of communal harmony and a safe shelter of riot victims elsewhere, has witnessed a few such heinous crimes after horrible Pulwama event.

Hence, we the peace loving, conscious common man can’t sit idle. Social media proactiveness is a must but not the whole. We should be physically and mentally active to achieve.


1. To protect the unity amongst diversty of our nation

2. To prevent attack for religious or ethnic resions

3. To restore the secular pride of lndia

4.To raise voices for the real demands of soldiers at field

5.To campaign at highest level against real, cold or shadow war

6. To be by the side of bereaved soldiers’ families.

7. To contact and help the victims of jingoism

8. To fight tooth and nail against all sorts of religious fanatism.

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