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The Golden tree of Indrajal….

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Moubani Sorcar : Actress and Dancer.

That Golden Hearted Smile,
Made me think always for a while…
How the Water of India would flow for hours,
Colours could change of dresses in seconds of zari embroidered flowers.
Oh how time could fly away,
As my mother could cut my father with a giant saw everyday….
From inside a giant book of Magic my Father would walk his way.
Then he would be joint like a jigsaw puzzle,
And yet show six cards to appear a few dozen.
And the Samrat the Lion could also appear in a cage…
Badsha the Elephant could change into an ambassador-a car of wine old age.
Rockets and satellites could fly over the packed house full of heads,
Egyptian princesses would levitate over the glass made beds…
Then a bomb would burst on stage,
Sorcar junior would appear saying ” I am here ” breaking records of all age.
Hundred artists , psychedelic lights,tonnes of equipments would create new kind of knowledge.
Timeless is the art and science of Magic…
Maneka would pass through a fan breaking all logic….
My mother Joysri Sorcar would also dance rhythmically,
And then Mumtaz and Me would follow naturally…
In the ebb and flow of time,
Indian magic of Indrajal carried ahead by generational nine.
It’s world of happiness and glee…
Oh where I always end up finding me.
The best of Magic that can ever be.

These lines have been devoted to our family show Indrajal headed by my father Maestro Magician P.C.Sorcar junior and has 🐝n written by me, Moubani Sorcar.

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