News Stardom: kolkata, 15th. May, 2020. Santoor maestro Tarun Bhattacharya has unveiled his latest audio album Jansamohini with child prodigy Karthik Iyer on Mridangam. Karthik is a disciple of Ramesh Srinivasan and is based in USA. Raga Music has brought out the album now available on the digital platforms. Talking about the raga, Pdt Tarun Bhattacharya said, “This was originally called Siva Kalyan but later the raga went out of circulation, having heard Karnataka Janasammohini, my Guruji Bharat Ratna Ravi Shankar ji brought it back with the Karnataka name. All notes except one in the raga is Shuddha and the raga symbolises pangs of separation, nostalgia, implicit faith in God are the moods of Janasammohini. In his 100th year, this is a humble tribute from me as his disciple.”
Tarun Bhattacharya unveils his album “Jansamohini”…..
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