Moubani Sorcar : Actress & Dancer.
We never know it’s intensity,
The best form of creativity,
Never could it be controlled,
Being star crossed is an angel’s path,
Sometimes, we dont accept it’s scrutiny,
Did we solve a new problem in math,
By realising that it’s not you I miss, but it’s me.
Apples grow on the tree,
But did you know I have never lived for tomorrow,
There may be grief or sorrow,
But it’s today I stand with the most,
And I could choose to be it’s good host,
Let’s imagine life was not there,
Then we would exasperate,
On any given date,
To find it’s meaning at any rate,
To mix time up with confusion,
And always be late,
Is like an accepted disillusion,
It was to happen,
A wish will sharpen,
Tomorrow will be understood now,
Today in any way any how.
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