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Red Horns Division of Indian Army organized Medical Camp at Chirang, Assam…….

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News Stardom : 19th. March 2021. A unit of Red Horns Division under the aegis of Indian Army, organised a medical camp that included distribution of Infrared(IR) 
thermometers, PPE kits, gloves and masks to various health centers in Chirang and Bongaigaon districts  on 18th March, 2021. 

A total of 10 IR thermometer, 50 PPE kits, 300 Gloves and 400 N-95 masks were distributed at Bengtol, Bhetagaon, Gargaon, No. 2 Bisnupur, and Alukhunda of Chirang District in Lower Assam. All COVID-19 guidelines were adhered to, during the event, that was held in the presence of respective medical staff.

Apart from providing medical assistance, basic awareness on health, hygiene and healthy lifestyle was also imparted. 

Chief Medical Officer and Primary Health Centre (PHC) staffs expressed profound gratitude for undertaking such an initiative and appreciated the continuous efforts and commitments of Indian Army towards uplifting the society in all possible ways.

The news has been confirmed by a Senior Indian Army Officer. 

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