News Stardom : Kolkata 23 March: Press Club, Kolkata deeply condemns the brutal attack on a journalist at a Press conference at the club on Tuesday. The press conference was organised by All India Ekta Foundation. The journalists present, staff of the club and others immediately intervened at the matter. However, while the victim was being rescued, the attacker escaped. Police were called and they interrogated the organisers and took statement of the victim. The journalist was attacked by a person (non journalist) present at the Press Conference after he asked a question in the press conference. However, the organisers denied that the attacker was their supporter. Everybody present was astonished at the suddenness of the incident. The security arrangements at the club was beefed up after the incident. The attacked journalist was provided all necessary support by the Club. The organisation holding the press conference has immediately been blacklisted by the club pending further investigation.
Press Club Kolkata deeply condemns the brutal attack on a journalist at a Press conference at the club……..
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