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Narayan Memorial Hospital successfully conducts ‘Antibody Cocktail Therapy’ on two of its patients…..

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Left to Right – Dr. Maneesh Agarwal , Director Medical Services , Narayan Memorial Hospital , Ms. Suparna Sengupta , CEO , Narayan Memorial Hospital , Dr. Dhruba Bhattacharya,Critical Care Consultant

* Casirivimab and Imdevimab is indicated for restricted use in emergency situation for the treatment of mild to moderate COVID-19 in patients who are at high risk* of severe COVID19

News Stardom : Kolkata, 19th June 2021: Narayan Memorial Hospital on Saturday announced that they have successfully implemented ‘Antibody Cocktail therapy’ on two of it’s patients. The patients are keeping well and are without any further complications. Casiririvimab and Imdevimab are indicated for restricted emergency use for the treatment of mild to moderate Covid-19 in patients who are at high risk of severe COVID 19. NMH is partnering Cipla Limited in addressing unmet patient need and look toward leveraging this innovative treatment for the people of Kolkata .

Speaking on the occasion Ms. Suparna Sengupta, CEO, Narayan Memorial Hospital said, “ We are now at per with other cities in India to provide broader, equitable access to this innovative treatment. We are thankful to Cipla in bringing it to Kolkata and Narayan Memorial Hospital, the youngest but dedicated Hospital towards serving patients in the most ablest manner “. She further added “ We are optimistic that the availability of Antibody Cocktail (Casirivimab and Imdevimab) in India can help in minimizing hospitalisation, ease the burden on healthcare systems and play a key role in treatment of high risk patients before their condition worsens”.

Dr. Subhrojyoti Bhowmick, Clinical Trial Expert said “ The antibody cocktail (Casirivimab and Imdevimab) is to be administered for the treatment of mild to moderate coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in adults and pediatric patients (12 years of age or older, weighing at least 40 kg) who are confirmed to be infected with SARS-COV2 and who are at high risk of developing severe COVID-19 disease and do not require oxygen. It has been shown to help these high-risk patients before their condition worsens, reducing the risk of hospitalisation and fatality by 70% and shortening the duration of symptoms by four days” .

About the antibody cocktail:

The antibody cocktail (Casirivimab and Imdevimab) is a medical product that can be procured subject to a medical prescription by a registered medical practitioner

Casirivimab and Imdevimab may only be administered in settings in which health care providers have immediate access to medications to treat an infusion reaction, such as anaphylaxis.

The intravenous administration takes about 20 to 30 minutes. For the subcutaneous route, four syringes of 2.5 ml (2 each of Casirivimab & Imdevimab) need to be administered concurrently at four different sites on the abdomen or thigh

Patients should be monitored during the infusion and observed for least one hour after the completion of the infusion and 15–30 minutes after the subcutaneous injection

Each pack of Antibody Cocktail (Casirivimab and Imdevimab) contains one vial of Casirivimab and one vial of Imdevimab totaling 2400 mg of the antibody cocktail (one vial of Casirivimab (1200 mg) and one vial of Imdevimab (1200 mg)). Each pack can treat two patients as the dosage per patient is a combined dose of 1200 mg (600 mg of Casirivimab and 600 mg of Imdevimab) administered by intravenous infusion or subcutaneous route. The vials need to be stored at 2°C to 8°C. If opened for the first patients’ dose, a vial can be used for the second patients’ dose within 48 hours if stored at 2°C to 8°C.

Price of the Product:

The price for each patient dose [a combined dose of 1200 mg (600 mg of Casirivimab and 600 mg of Imdevimab)] will be INR 59,750 inclusive of all taxes. The maximum retail price for the multidose pack (each pack can treat two patients) is INR 119,500 inclusive of all taxes.

Mechanism of action:

Casirivimab and Imdevimab are human immunoglobulin G-1 (IgG1) monoclonal antibodies produced by recombinant DNA technology in the lab. Monoclonal antibodies are proteins that mimic the immune system’s ability to fight off harmful pathogens such as viruses. Casirivimab and Imdevimab are monoclonal antibodies that are specifically directed against the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2, designed to block the virus’ attachment and entry into human cells. Thanks to its specific engineering of two neutralising antibodies which bind to different parts of the virus spike, the Casirivimab and Imdevimab cocktail remains efficacious against widest spread variants and reduces the risk of losing its neutralisation potency against new emerging variants.

High risk is defined as:

· Age >=60 years
· Obesity
· Cardiovascular disease, including hypertension
· Chronic lung disease, including asthma
· Type 1 or type 2 diabetes mellitus
· Chronic kidney disease, including those on dialysis
· Chronic liver disease


lmmunosuppressed, based on investigator’s assessment. Examples include: cancer treatment, bone marrow or organ transplantation, immune deficiencies, HIV (if poorly controlled or evidence of AIDS),sickle cell anemia, thalassemia, and prolonged use of immune-weakening medications.

“It’s always a joy to see our patients recovering fully. I started unsurely about the recovery path ,since I was technically the first doctor applying the therapy for the first time in Kolkata. We are incredibly grateful to the many NMH staffs and patients who have witnessed and contributed to this successful discovery. He further added “ the antibody cocktail treatment rapidly reduced viral levels, lowering risks of death. It was also found that patients who got the treatment spent four days fewer in the hospital on average and less need for ventilation.”


Narayan Memorial Hospital (NMH). We are one of the finest Multispeciality Tertiary care Hospitals in Greater Kolkata with world class infrastructure and state-of-the-art services.

200 bedded NMH aims to extend its dedicated services and innovations to serve the people of Kolkata by putting it’s best foot forward. We have some renowned consultants visiting the hospital and provide services such as 24×7 Emergency & Critical Care with 48 Isolated pressurised ICU beds, 5 Operation theatres with positive pressure, laminar flow well equipped with all modern gadgets for all complicated surgery. Our Centre’s of Excellence includes Mother & Child Care, Respiratory Medicine, Neurology, Orthopaedics, Gastroenterology along with all OPD facilities, 360 degrees Diagnostics services and 24×7 operational Pharmacy with home delivery capacity et al besides the plans of new facilities coming up.

Narayan Memorial Hospital strives continuously to bring care close to you through these disciplinaries:


Neurology, Medicine, Orthopaedics, Surgery, Nephrology, Urology, Paediatrics, Pulmonology, ENT, Ophthalmology, Psychiatrics, Geriatrics Medicine, Oncology, Physical medicine, Dermatology, Hypertension clinic, Diabetic Clinic, Gynaecology, Obstetrics, Fertility Clinic, Dental Department and Gastroenterology.

Diagnostic Services
· 1.5 Tesla MRI
· 32 Slice CT,
· USG,Colour Doppler,
· TMT,2 D Echocardiography
· PFT, Bronchoscopy
· ECG,Holter Monitoring
· Sleep study
· X-Ray(fully digital)
· Eye,ENT & Dentistry

Emergency Care
· Seven bedded emergency
· Trauma care
· Monitors and ventilator in all emergency beds
· Minor procedure room

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