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Utpal Chatterjee : Kolkata, 8th. July 2024. For those who did not know this rare and admirable personality all that well, it would only be just and proper that a book/booklet be brought out on him.And,the sooner,the better.Let the present and future know more about this versatile person who not only stood out as a towering figure in the world of education but also as one who was chosen to represent the cause of the people in the Parliament where he took up so many responsibilities.He was a gentleman par excellence,one who stood by his principles.Very erudite and well read,he could speak on any subject he knew with authority.He had a rare sense of humour and those who were on the same wavelength,got more than the proverbial drift.True,he pioneered quiz in India but his interests were varied.Of course,he had a ear for music,right from Western Classical to the likes of a Frank Sinatra.As the first Life Member and a legendary President of the 150 year old Dalhousie Institute (DI),he proved how even the smallest of matters mattered.A great sports lover,there was a time when,among other games,he excelled in both tennis and table tennis.A no-nonsense man,he spoke straight.He said what he meant and meant what he said.He was a devoted husband to his charming and loving wife and they were the ideal pair known as Neil-Joyce O’Brien.And,of course,he was a great father as is evident when you come across his worthy sons Derek O’Brien,Andy O’Brien and Barry O’Brien.Sans doubt,Neil O’Brien was one of a kind,one who was worth emulating by one and all.To fall back on Shakespeare, “Whence comes such another?”

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