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JITO Plants Miyawaki Garden on World Environment Day….

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News Stardom : Kolkata, 8th June, 2023: JITO KOLKATA Chapter organised a grand event at Kolkata on Monday, 5th June, 2023 at Green Verge 17, Street No 664 near Akanksha More Action Area II, Newtown, Kolkata- 700135 to celebrate World Environment Day By Planting Miyawaki Forest. The event is being organized by the JITO Kolkata Chapter. “Jain International Trade Organisation’s initiative to plant a Miyawaki forest on World Environment Day is a shining example of how small actions can make a big impact on the planet. Let’s take inspiration from their efforts and work towards creating a sustainable future for ourselves and future generations.”

World Environment Day is important because it raises awareness about environmental issues and encourages people to take action to protect the planet. It’s a chance for individuals and organizations to come together and make a positive impact on the environment.

Miyawaki forest is a type of afforestation method developed by Japanese botanist Akira Miyawaki. It involves planting a variety of native species in a small area to create a dense, multilayered forest that grows quickly and requires little maintenance. Miyawaki forests are known for their ability to sequester carbon, improve soil quality, and support biodiversity.

Jain International Trade Organisation’s efforts to organize World Environment Day will encourage people to take action to protect the environment and raise awareness about environmental issues. It was a great opportunity for individuals and organizations to come together and make a positive impact on the environment.

JITO Kolkata Chapter’s Chairman Bhaven Kamdar said, ” Planting a Miyawaki forest is not just about creating a green space but about creating a sustainable future for generations to come. Protecting the environment is not just a responsibility, it’s a duty that we owe to future generations,. On this World Environment Day, let’s come together to take action and make a positive impact on the planet.”

JITO Kolkata Chapter’s Chief Secretary Rohit Surana said, “Environmental conservation is not a choice, it’s a necessity. On this World Environment Day, let’s pledge to take action and make a positive impact on the planet. Our collective efforts can create a better future for generations to come.”
The World Environment Day was held on 5th June at Green Verge 17, Street No 664 near Akanksha More Action Area II, Newtown, Kolkata- 700135, which saw the presence of various Media outlets.

ABOUT JITO: JITO is a worldwide organisation of businessmen, industrialists, knowledge workers and professionals reflecting the glory of ethical business practices. It is a global organisation set to achieve socio-economic empowerment, value based education, community welfare, practice of compassion, spread of global friendship and spiritual upliftment of fellow beings. They have over 15000 members nationally.

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