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I HAVE SEEN THE ‘GOD’….. ==================

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??????????? A Short Story – by
Amal krishna Bain.

All -We wish to see the ‘GOD’.
Often we ask and argue where is the ‘GOD’ ?..

-Once I was driving back home
from one of my construction sites.
-In the way in a desolate place;
I noticed a car was taking reverse
and slowly stopped near a ‘Vulnerable Woman’ appeared distressed.

-The ‘Man in the Car’ stretched his hand through window holding a Rs.500/ note by fingers.

-The Woman without going for the note – resorted to banging the window like demented..trying to reach in the car in vain.

-She was pleading ;and with her
all might of feeble physic-,frantically trying to open the door ,-and just wished to touch the feet of that ‘ Gentleman in Car ;
-as she had found a -‘GOD’…….

-From her tattered bag she took out a ‘Cartoon-cut’ of baby food
‘Cerelac’ and showed ,and told
that : -her only son had died recently of brain tumour; -leaving behind his wife and a 6 months baby.
-She was doing a paltry job ; but due to ‘ corona lock-down’ lost the job.
The baby was going without food for last three days -and she desperately needed Rs.250/ at least to buy the food.

That ‘Gentleman gave the money and speeded away …she took the money and was running behind..
‘’ You are my GOD- please stop your car and once for all –
let me touch your feet’’…….
-with all her vocal strength she was crying ‘’ God You came and gave me money to buy the food’’

-She found her ‘GOD’ …………..
and I witnessed this holiest inccident-and too had a glimse
of ‘GOD’.

-Every day I pass through the ‘spot’ and find that the spot has turned in to a heavenly bliss;
-a thousand Suns illuminated the spot with Golden dazzles……&
I bath in shower of exuberance…..

Mr. Amal Krishna Byne.

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