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Hysteroscopy found she has got a submucous fibroid arising from lining of the womb.Removing it with the help of Hysteroscopy not only saved her uterus but saved her job and life…..

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** জাদু কাঠির ছোঁয়ায় জরায়ূর শাপমুক্তি।**

News Stardom : kolkata, 21st. July 2023. Mrs Anita had two IVF treatments in Switzerland. She was staying with her husband who was working there as IT specialist. Medical Leave was difficult to manage, and they always thought Medical practice is far more superior compared to treatment available back home. So when it failed, Anita became depressed. During their annual vacation in India, they consulted Dr.Sudip Basu, recommended by family friend. After transvaginal ultrasound, Dr. Basu decided to do hysteroscopy, minor operation to look inside cavity as some findings from ultrasound was bothering him. Hysteroscopy revealed she was suffering from genital tuberculosis, which has made the endometrium very adverse for embryo implantation. She was treated, was completely cured from TB and then delivered a healthy baby with IVF. A simple procedure changed their life forever. Rashida’s story was slightly different. She came from Bangladesh. She was all the time struggling with excessive vaginal bleeding. Normal life was almost ruined, completely home bound for fear of soiling in public and embarrassment. No medicine worked. Even local doctors suggested Hysterectomy. As a last option she decided to come to India for second opinion. Hysteroscopy found she has got a submucous fibroid arising from lining of the womb. Removing it with the help of Hysteroscopy not only saved her uterus but saved her job and life.

“In the past Gynaecologists hardly ever used to have a look inside uterine cavity but for last few years no examination is complete without Hysteroscopic evaluation specially in case of abnormal uterine bleeding or Long standing Infertility.” Said Dr. Sudip Basu, Medical Director of Srishti Clinic which recently celebrated 1000 cases of Hysteroscopy by organising a day long Hysteroscopy Masterclass at R G Stone hospital, which is being witnessed by more than 300 veteran and young Gynaecologists from Bengal, neighbouring states and even from Bangladesh. Renowned Hysteroscopic Surgeon Dr. S Krishnakumar and his son Dr.R Krishnakumar from Mumbai and Dr. Milind Telang from Pune will be operating on 14 critical cases which will be transmitted live for interaction from delegates. Dr. Basu said “it is an wonderful initiative to train young minds and rekindle interest in Hysteroscopy which can work as magic wand if used appropriately and with right skill. With more centres doing Hysteroscopy, cost will come down and it will do immense good to local people even in the district”
Senior Krishnakumar who is considered to be one of the best in this field said “. “. Dr. Milind Telang from Galaxee Hospital Pune, is considered to be a father figure in office Hysteroscopy ( Hysteroscopy in OPD setting, without any anaesthesia where patient can watch operation and participate in conversation with operating doctor)
: Mrs Reshma had a very traumatic delivery, almost comparable to a nightmare situation. She started pain while 26 weeks, admitted to hospital. Without almost apparently any reason, she started labour pain and baby decided to come out. Without any advanced neonatal set up in districts, there was no glimmer of hope of survival. And obviously the baby did not survive. But the afterbirth did not come out soon afterwards. Intravenous fluid was started with medicines to start contraction but that failed too. She was put to sleep so that doctors could take out the placenta ( afterbirth) manually. But nothing worked. The neck of the womb became shut down and ultimately medicines was given to dissolve the placenta. Bleeding and pain continued for nearly one month. Next few years she and husband desperately tried for baby but nothing worked. In fact doctors could not find out reason for her childlessness. Then she consulted Dr. Sudip Basu, a renowned infertility specialist who found out her uterus, cervix ( neck of the womb) and vagina is completely divided in two halves by presence of a septum ( curtain) which need to be removed if she wants to conceive. For the same reason, she had the problem of retained afterbirth last time. She had a procedure called Hysteroscopic complete septum removal to make the womb one cavity ( like normal person) and within next three months she conceived normally and delivered a healthy baby under his care. Dr. Basu said “

Hysteroscopic septum removal is not a difficult procedure if proper instruments and skill is present. Complete septum is rare, but awareness about its existence is also important. Nowadays Hysteroscopy is also used for removal of intra uterine tumour which can be accessed only through Hysteroscopy. Basu said “ Very recently I almost lost a patient while doing operation for an intrauterine tumour as patient developed allergic reaction to Glycine” The media used for visualisation of the tumour and making the energy source work. Recently Gynaecologists are moving towards doing operation under water which is much safer option. Recent innovation in the form of intra uterine tissue removal system ( Truclear) helps avoiding any energy source thus making possible to remove even big tumour while patient is awake in your chamber. In fact patients watches the whole procedure and engage in conversation with the operating surgeon. Our special workshop focuses on this newer form of treatment and trains gynaecologists with live surgeries, thus soon making this ultramodern treatment available in Kolkata.

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