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Hapkido Federation of India now included in School Games Federation of India……

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News Stardom : 12th. May 2021. It should be a matter of pride for all the Martial Artist and Hapkido lovers across India that Hapkido which started with baby steps is achieving new milestones every day. It’s a very proud moment for us that Hapkido is hybrid sport that is a combination of different Martial Arts such as Taekwondo, Karate and Judo included in School Games

Hapkido was developed in the year 1950 by the Grand Master Choi Yong Sool, who was a disciple of Sensei Takeda Sokaku (Japan) of Daito-Ryu aiki Jiu-jitsu (the original and the oldest Martial art according to Japanese Martial Art Theory).

Hapkido is a hybrid sport that is a combination of different Martial Arts such as Taekwondo, karate and Judo. The man who has taken the art world wide and made it famous was Grandmaster Ji-Han-Jae who was also seen in the famous Bruce Li movie “The Game of Death” Hapkido is popular worldwide especially in UAE, Iran, Korea, Spain, Australia and India.

Hapkido has numerous benefits which has the following added benefits-

  1. Joint work such as locking and manipulation techniques that is very useful in case of adverse situations.

  2. Proper use and location of pressure points to assist in techniques.

  3. Tan Jan breathing and

  4. Acupressure and acupuncture.

Hanshi Premjit Sen in his days was a Gold Medalist in the World Cup of Martial Art and a very able administrator. He is the man who has taken Karate to a new height. He is also the man behind the numerous National champions and the International champions. Hanshi Premjit was elected as the President of Hapkido Federation of India, a body which existed from 2011.

Hapkido Federation of India is recognised by the World Hapkido Confederation that is affiliated to TAFISA which is further recognised by the International Olympic Committee (IOC).

Hapkido Federation of India is receiving praises from Mr.Kim Chang Sun and Mr.M.R.Hashempour Pashaki President and General Secretary of World Hapkido Confederation. The most technical and the senior masters of India are joining hands with Premjit Sen to develop Hapkido as they believe HFI to be a federation with a vision and a mission.

It is under the able leadership of Hanshi HFI organised Hapkido Sparring Championship under the Fit India Movement. It was a great platform and also a morale boost for the fitness freaks, Martial Artists who were locked up at home due to the covid pandemic.

The most recent milestone achieved by Hapkido Federation of India was its inclusion in the School Games Federation of India. This will be a great boost to the sport as it will be played at the ground root level.

This will allow the Martial Art enthusiasts at the school level all across India to explore their talents and as well seize the opportunities from the SGFI.

In a recent interview with Premjit Sen., He told us that he wants Hapkido to reach each and every corner of India and just like in karate he intends to produce numerous champions. Premjit Sen over the years has trained over a lakhs of girls the art of self-defence .He believes that Hapkido is the best of Martial Art for self-defence and is very much necessary for everyone.


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