Staff Reporter, 9th. September, 2024.While the city of Kolkata, rest of India and many places in the world are expressing their anger, sorrow and hopelessness and protesting through various ways; after the heinous and gruesome murder of a promising female doctor at R.G. Kar Hospital Kolkata on 9th August 2024; the pass out students of Acharyya Prafulla Chandra Ray Polytechnic, Jadavpur, Kolkata joined in by organizing a protest meeting at college campus on Sunday, 8th September 2024 afternoon; followed by a procession in the Jadavpur area.
More than 100 ex students of various from various batches; from as early as 1965 to the recent pass outs of 2024, attended the event. There was a meeting at the campus ground where pass out students, who are well established in various fields; spoke about the troublesome situation and expectations for a quick justice so that it sets an example for society and prevent such heinous crimes in future. The overall need to ensure freedom, dignity, and security for all citizens in general, more so for female members, and all working women, including Medical fraternity in particular, was discussed.
There was vibrant sloganeering on “We want Justice”, “Justice for RG Kar”, etc. The event was completely apolitical and did not carry any flag, banner or placard affiliated to any party or organization. The forum itself is a voluntary association formed very recently by ex-students of APC Ray Polytechnic in solidarity with the current social protests across the state.
Later there was a procession which started from college campus and moved to 8B Bus terminus, Jadavpur; back to Jadavpur Police Station crossing where a list of expectations from the administration was read out. Finally, a human chain was formed on one side of the road which extended for about a kilometer. The event ended with singing of the National anthem.
Ex students of APC Ray Polytechnic organize Protest Meet on RG Kar Issue…..

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