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Dabur Honey and Akshay Kumar inspire India to “Take the First Step”….

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Staff Reporter : Kolkata 6th November 2024: World’s No. 1 Honey brand, Dabur Honey has launched a new TV campaign for raising awareness on physical fitness in view of growing obesity problem in India. Bollywood superstar Akshay Kumar, known for his disciplined lifestyle, can be seen urging consumers to prioritize fitness and healthy choices in their daily lives. The actor isn’t just promoting fitness – he’s singing about it in his own vocals, as he nudges young adults to incorporate Dabur Honey + warm water in their morning routine along with an active lifestyle.

The new TVC talks about India’s growing health challenge with rising obesity rates due to sedentary lifestyles and poor eating habits. A published study by Lancet reveals that India is sitting on obesity curve with around 44 million women and 26 million men aged above 20 reported to be obese.

Speaking about the campaign, Mr. Varun Gattani, Category Head – Marketing, Dabur India said, “Over the years, Dabur Honey has championed the movement of staying fit & healthy by following a fitness regimen and adopting honey in daily routine. Take the first step with Dabur Honey isn’t just another catchy tagline. It’s the starting of a mission to tackle the health issue of obesity associated with lack of physical fitness and unhealthy eating habits. We’re happy to share that Dabur Honey is the only leading honey brand in market which is clinically tested on health & fitness parameters for up to one size reduction in waist size vs baseline, after 90 days of regular consumption in lukewarm water along with a balanced diet and active lifestyle.

Speaking about the campaign, Mr. Akshay Kumar shared, “For me, fitness is a way of life, and getting the chance to sing for this campaign felt like a natural extension of what I already believe in. It’s a fun, creative way to inspire people to make healthier choices. I believe that small but consistent steps today can lead to a healthier tomorrow for everyone”

The campaign has been conceptualized by Havas Worldwide India. Ms. Anupama Ramaswamy, Joint MD & Chief Creative Officer at Havas Worldwide India, added, “Our new Dabur Honey campaign is about more than just promoting a great product; it’s about driving positive change across India. Our mission is to urge people to be fitter and inspire a healthier future for everyone. Through this campaign the brand wants to empower millions who struggle to kick start their fitness journey amidst their busy schedules and confusion about where to begin.

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