Staff Reporter : Kolkata, 10th. August 2023 Rotary International District 3291 unveiled elaborate plans to provide a wide range of support for the community to the tune of Rs 58 crores (apps) in the areas under its jurisdiction in West Bengal and Andaman & Nicobar Islands. Announcing the proposed projects of District 3291, it’s newly appointed District Governor (DG) Hira Lal Yadav spoke elaborately on his team’s projects. He has taken over office from 1″ July and his term ends on 30 June 2024. He also mentioned that the Rotary International’s theme for the year was CREATE HOPE in the WORLD under RI President R.Gordon R Mcnally, Some of the major projects announced by DG Yadavwere 55,000 free cataract operations in the 11 eye hospitals run and managed by different Rotary clubs of the region. 500 Hands of Hope (Fitted LN4 Prosthetic Hands), 100 free heart surgeries, 300 free health camps, 1 ICU on Wheels &1 Van for accident rescue team for local police, 50 Paediatric Cancer Care & Rehab units, 15 Thalassaemla Awareness Programs along with a major Rally. The current Rotary year has laid a lot of stress on Mental Health and there are plans of organizing a minimum of 20 awareness sessions on the subject.
As part of developing the health infrastructure of the region. Rotarian Hira LalYadav also announced that Rotary District 3291 was setting up 1 Blood Bank in Howrah. 5 Dialysis Centres, 1 Eye Hospital [In addition to the 11 existing eye hospitals). 1 Mobile Dental Clinic, 1 Mobile Mammography Unit to detect Breast Cancer. 1 LAKH sanitary napkins will be distributed in schools with economically challenged girl students.
As part of its Environment protection drive Rotary shall also plant 1 LAKH mangroves, 50,000 trees and 25,000 mango trees (which also help in income generation for the economically backward farmers).
Empowering girls, Rotary District 3291 has plans to organize sldll development programs and also teach self defense techniques to them as part of Virangana project As part of the Literacy program a minimum of 2500 adults are targeted to be made literate, this apart Upgrading School Building Installation of Computer Lab. Donating Table & Benches in schools are also being planned by various Rotary clubs.
Rotary District 3291 also plans to take up the GangaSafalAbhiyaan program on a big scale and have already identified a few Ghats where it plans to carry out cleaning of the banks of river Hooghly by
arranging toilets, dustbins etc.
DG Hira Lal Yadav also informed the media that the Rotary District 3291 and the various Rotary clubs under its aegis shall continue most of its ongoing projects as building and renovating rural and community toilets, installing drinking water kiosks and setting up safe drinking water facilities in schools and Government hospitals.
DG Hira LalYaday stated that Rotary has been receiving excellent support from the local Government agencies and looked forward to continued partnership in all the projects and programs.
He urged the corporate sector to come forward and support Rotary clubs as part of their CSR initiatives and mentioned that Rotary looked forward to the support of the local media as they were equal and important stake holders to the development work that the organization has been doing for the pastbcentury.
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