News Stardom : 23rd. February, 2021. LIONS CLUB OF KOLKATA MAGNATES, wholly supported by ‘Madhyamgram Friends Association’, organized a COOKING Contest at Deshbandhu Ground, Madhyamgram on 21st Feb.
About 30 wonderful cooks presented lip-smacking dishes. The Jury Panelists were Anwesa Banerjee, Dr. Irfan Ali, Shahina Pranati Saha and LIONs MAGNATES Rajshekhar Banik and Asish Basak. The well-wishers included Subir Das, Seba Gupta, Dr. Lakshmi Gopalkrishnan, Narayan Majumder, Mukhyabarta, Uma Karmakar, Sukanta Bhattacharya and Dipankar Sarkar.
LIONS CLUB OF KOLKATA MAGNATES program was broadcast by NIRBHAY NEWS 24 and Hello Kolkata.
Cooking Contest by LIONS Club of Kolkata MAGNATES at Madhyamgram Friends Association…..
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