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Colours of Spring…..

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Poem written by Moubani Sorcar, Famous Actress & Dancer.

Oh scintillating colours of heaven,
Kiss me like thine never found a soul even,
In the bliss of first love do I melt and find thee,
In its own myriad of artistry,
Trees are green,
Flowers are red,
As a soul is resonating a new mean,
The heart is pure and vibrating its reverb in thy gene,
To all created, living or dead,
The thread of time has broken,
Shall I rise,should I awaken?
It’s beads are pearls priceless,
Yet the universe holds me tight in its oneness,
To me am this colour and colour is me,
The fruit of every flowering tree.
As a garland dress thy naked mind,
Like a lover is one of a kind,
Evolve and dissolve,
In every way does it resolve,
The soft powdery, velvety feel of true love,
Fly off my dear friend,
Blend and smother,
Like the heavens have opened for no other,
The white feathery friendly dove,
Spread the vibe,
There is no end,
Let the colours mix and dive,
We are here together, alive .

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