News Stardom : Kolkata, 30th. June 2021. Since the war against this severe Covid pandemic is still on, it is once again reminding us the daily sacrifices and contributions made by our doctors and medical staffs globally. The blow of the second wave of Covid has proved to be more severe than the first wave. It has taken both physical and mental toll on the frontline warriors, especially on doctors. While many of them have sacrificed their lives to this deadly pandemic, the others have continued to serve the people in full spirit and dedication even after losing their loved ones to Covid-19. Despite of their grit, determination, hard work and contribution towards their duty, there are still some brutal instances of violence against them by the patients’ families which are non-acceptable. CK Birla Hospitals-CMRI & BMB is dedicating the auspicious National Doctors’ Day, 1st July 2021, to recognize the efforts of doctors to serve the nation, risking their lives.
Dr. Simmardeep Gill, COO of CK Birla Hospitals – CMRI & BM Birla Heart Research Centre has expressed his views on this occasion, “The celebration is an attempt to accentuate the importance of the doctors by showing them gratitude. I would like to wish all my colleagues on this day, hoping that they will remain safe and healthy while serving the humanity. Being the frontline workers during this pandemic, we appreciate and salute their relentless and tireless contributions to the nation in these difficult times. Nonetheless, this is to remember that we have to be still prepared as greater challenges may lie ahead.”
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