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Celebration of World Diabetes Day & 100 years of Insulin by Narayan Memorial Hospital…..

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News Stardom : Kolkata, 14th November, 2021: In today’s world approximately 422 million of people are living with diabetes all over the world, among them 77 million are affected in India. Diabetes is one of the most serious chronic non communicable disease plaguing millions of people in such a way, by 2045 it is expected to see a rise of 76% in the Diabetic Population, which will soon make our country the Diabetic Capital of the world surpassing China. The theme for World Diabetes Month 2021 is “Access to Diabetes Care” – in the hope that India can also become the Diabetic Care Capital of the world too. The year 2021 is also special because it marks 100 years of discovery of insulin.

The doctors say that many patients with coronavirus disease (Covid-19) come to hospitals with severe diabetic crisis, as diabetes can be triggered by the stress to the body during the Covid-19 infection. It’s been reported that there has been a definite increase in the number of diabetes cases during the pandemic, the use of steroids (Corticosteroids) in the treatment, and the sedentary lifestyle adds on to the increasing numbers. Now, there is also a discussion of Covid-19 directly affecting the beta cells in the pancreas as they have the ACE II receptors used by the Sars-CoV-2 virus.
Speaking on the occasion Ms. Suparna Sengupta, CEO, Narayan Memorial Hospital said “We have previously reported the impact of this lockdown on worsening of HBA1c and the associated complications in type 2 diabetes mellitus probably due to the restriction of movement, limited exercise, improper diet, and psychological stress. This is especially important for Asian Indians where the rate of conversion to T2DM from the pre-diabetes state is higher as 50% of our population (below 50 years of age) is getting affected with Diabetes. Such increment in the number of patients with diabetes in India would be catastrophic because of further addition to a large pool of patients.”
Sharing his views, Dr. Sujit Bhattacharya – MD, DNB, MNAMS, DM (PGI) MRCP said, “Insulin has been available for the treatment of diabetes for almost 100 years, transforming the lives of people with diabetes, changing the diagnosis from a death sentence to living with a manageable long-term condition. Therapeutic insulin has evolved from a crude extract of animal pancreas to recombinant human insulin and insulin analogs. The time-action profiles of insulin and formulations have been intentionally modified over the years to more closely mimic the endogenous insulin response. There are more developments on the horizon, too.”
Dr. Ipsita Ghosh – MD, DM said, “It has been seen that there is a rise of 48% of Post Prandial blood glucose levels in Diabetic Population due to the on-going pandemic. This rise is predicted to be due to lack of exercise, intermittent snacking, work-from-home culture and more consumption of fast food, ordered food. In the similar way only 18.7% of individuals are adopting healthier ways of living. But we aim to determine the risk in non-diabetic individuals as well and also to make them aware of its long term health implications.”

About Narayan Memorial Hospital (NMH):
Narayan Memorial Hospital is one of the finest Multispecialty Tertiary care Hospitals in Greater Kolkata with world class infrastructure and state-of-the-art services. 200 bedded NMH aims to extend its dedicated services and innovations to serve the people of Kolkata by putting it’s best foot forward. We have some renowned consultants visiting the hospital and provide services such as 24×7 Emergency & Critical Care with 48 ICU beds, 5 Operation theatres with negative pressure, laminar flow and well equipped with all modern gadgets for all complicated surgery.
Our Centre’s of Excellence includes Mother & Child Care, Respiratory Medicine, Neurology, Orthopaedics, Gastroenterology along with all OPD facilities, 360 degrees Diagnostics services and 24×7 operational Pharmacy.

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