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Announcement & Theme song launch of “Khela Hobe” – A Play for a Cause for Visually Impaired, Physically / Specially Abled and Women team……

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News Stardom : Kolkata, 10th November, 2021: Khela Hobe – A Football Event for Visually Impaired, Physically / Specially Abled and Women team is a Nobel initiative by Sarmista Acharya (a social activist), Ankit Shaw (Celebrity Anchor and Mr. India Face of West Bengal) and Junction House. The event was announced yesterday 9th november followed by the launch of its theme song at Press Club, Kolkata. The press conference & song launch was graced by the presence of several eminent personalities like: Alvito D’Cunha, International Footballer; Madan Mitra, MLA; Syed Rahim Nabi, Indian Footballer; Subrata Bhattacharya, Veteran Footballer; Suvro Joarder, Cricketer; Jojo Mukherjee, Eminent Singer & and the official singer of “Khela Hobe”; Prabir Sarkar, International Para Athlete(Asian Games long jump silver medalist); Pranay Poddar, Hon Consul of Kenya & many others.

There are currently more than one billion disabled people, around 15 percent of the global population. This is the largest minority of people on the planet and, according to the World Health Organization, almost everyone will temporarily or permanently experience disability at some point in their life. Disability is a part of being human. Yet disabled people still face social, physical, intellectual, attitudinal and other barriers that exclude them from everyday life opportunities, including education, sports and work options. Significant progress has been made to ensure that the world is more accessible and inclusive but a great deal of work is still required. Football is loved by everyone all over the world and this passion is also common amongst millions of specially abled people too. Indeed, more disabled people than ever before are participating in the world’s most popular sport.

Speaking on the occasion Mr. Raj Roy, Director of The Junction House said, “We want to create awareness that the differently abled can do whatever they want to do in life infact even better than a normal person. Every individual coming in the tournament will take back a message to support and motivate blind and physically challenged people as they are no less in any category. That’s the main idea of “Khela Hobe” – A Play for a Cause.”
Mr. Ankit Shaw, Celebrity Anchor and Mr. India Face of West Bengal said, “The world is evolving everyday in every sector and rapidly in the field of sports too. That’s how we planned to organise a football match for people who are neglected in the society since their childhood. Kolkata will witness the never seen before football match of Visually impaired, Physically / specially abled and Women by making sure all stereotypes are broken.”
Ms. Sarmista Acharya, Social activist said, “I’ve always wished to bring change in society in every big or small way possible. I’ve always tried to uplift and motivate under privileged people but this time, it was a special initiative with one of a kind football match for people who hold special position in the society. “Khela Hobe” is all about a cause and message, let’s all come together and let the world know.”

About Khela Hobe :
Khela Hobe is a football event for the Social development of people who are Visually Impaired, Physically / Specially abled and Women to boost their talent and to pay respect to them. This event will be organised to give a social position to Visually impaired, Specially abled and women to create awareness in the society that every individual is equal and they can do everything. Through this initiative people from different sectors and walks of life will join and promote their talent and wellbeing. “Khela Hobe” – A Play for a Cause is a noble tournament which would be held on 13th November, 2021 at NKDA Football Stadium followed by Pre Children’s day celebration with autistic and blind children.

About The Junction House :
The Junction House is an Event and International Tour & Travels company of Kolkata. Specialised in Royal Indian Wedding and Corporate Events across globe. The Junction House is awarded as best Event & Travel brand for taking many tourists to different parts of the world.

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