News Stardom : kolkata, 30th. November, 2024. All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) & Ministry of Education Innovation Cell organises Innovation Design and Entrepreneurship Boot camp at Sister Nivedita University on 29th & 30th November 2024
The Department of School Education and Literacy, All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) & Ministry of Education Innovation Cell in collaboration with CBSE and NCERT is organizing a 2-days “Innovation, Design and Entrepreneurship Boot Camp” for Schools Principals/Teachers (Secondary and Senior Secondary Schools). The aim of this initiative, is to nurture the innovation, design, and entrepreneurial skills of Teachers from schools.
This bootcamp was organized at Sister Nivedita University by SNU – Institution’s Innovation Council and conducted by Dr Irfana Rashid of Wadhwani Foundation.
The Bootcamp was inaugurated by Swami Vishokananda, Secretary, Ramakrishna Mission Vivek Tirtha, Prof Dhrubajyoti Chattopadhyay, Vice Chancellor, Sister Nivedita University and Shri Yogesh D Brahmankar, Innovation Director, Ministry of Education, Innovation Cell, Government of India the event. Around 300 principals and senior teachers from various schools of West Bengal participated in the program.
During this two-day bootcamp, participants received training in adopting a human-centric approach to identifying opportunities, mastering design thinking tools, and enhancing skills necessary for developing customer-centric products or services. Additionally, they explored fundamental business models and conducted preliminary calculations for their ideas / start-up concepts. The bootcamp also sought to enhance participants’ understanding of the Indian entrepreneurial landscape and patent filing opportunities for school children, and the support framework provided by the Government of India.
The event had a series of group activities, immersive working sessions, and engaging workshops, all tailored to ignite creativity and problem-solving skills. With an emphasis on fostering collaboration and interactive learning, participants explored into the “why,” “what,” and “how” of innovation. Throughout the program, attendees gained valuable insights into the significance of innovation in education, uncover practical strategies for driving change, and harness the power of entrepreneurial thinking.
On behalf of Sister Nivedita University, Ms Ina Bose, President, SNU Institution’s Innovation Council assured mentoring and hand holding support to the participating schools for establishing innovation, design and entrepreneurial ecosystem in their schools.
All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) & Ministry of Education Innovation Cell organises Innovation Design and Entrepreneurship Boot camp at Sister Nivedita University on 29th & 30th November 2024…..

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