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Aditya School of Sports sponsors team Kolkata Knight Fighters in Divyang Premier League…….

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News Stardom : Kolkata,14th. APRIL:2021. Sports has the unique ability to bring together people from different walks of life and this makes it an excellent platform for cultural, social, economic and personality development. However, people with physical disabilities often face discrimination and are left out from different forms of sports. Sports should be instrumental in reducing this stigma associated with disability and highlight the individual skills and bring out their potential in a positive way. For this reason, Divyang Premier League DPL T20 2021 cricket tournament has been organized for the physically challenged persons who would want their strong determination to win over their physical disability. Aditya School of Sports, also known as ASOS is proud to associate themselves with the League as sponsor for team Kolkata Knight Fighters, one of the six competing teams in the tournament.
Divyang Premier League T20 cricket tournament has begun from 8th April and will continue till 15th April 2021. All the matches will be played at the Sharjah International Cricket Stadium, Sharjah, UAE. The six competing teams in the tournament are- Chennai Super Stars, Delhi Challengers, Kolkata Knight Fighters, Mumbai Ideals, Gujarat Hitters and Rajasthan Rajwada. All teams will play matches with each other on a Round Robin League basis. The tournament will be held under Coach Ashish Srivastava and Captain Suvro Joarder. The participating players are Suvro, Ashu, Prajesh, Bijay P, Vishal, Binoy, Deshu, Kuldeep, Chahal, Rahil, Jeet, Gulamdeen and Paras Mani.
Inclusion of physically challenged persons in sports can reshape the common assumption of what disabled persons can and cannot do. It will inculcate the essence of teamwork, cooperation and respect among the players. Through the participation in sports, the physically challenged people can actually feel more independent and become more stronger, both physically and mentally. According to the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, states and parties should take appropriate measures to encourage and promote participation of persons with disabilities in various forms of sports. ASOS has addressed to this right of physically challenged people and has lend their support in the form of sponsoring the Kolkata based team Kolkata Knight Fighters. ASOS believes in nurturing the hidden talent within every person in the arena of sports and imparting a strong sense of optimism in them. They believe that a physical disability cannot dampen the spirit of individuals and hence they should be given fair chance to project their talents.
About Aditya School of Sports: ASOS, a unit of Aditya Group, is a multi -sports hub which aims to provide the best possible infrastructure and facilities to the young aspirants through international collaboration and tie-ups. A residential school for football and cricket has been initiated for both girls and boys at Barasat.

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