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Most unappreciated…un- acknowledged …but un- replaceable house – help … ‘The House wife ‘!!!….

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Manisha Gir : Author, Mumbai, 3rd. September, 2023. At a get together at his home Atul introduced his very capable and efficient wife Mita saying …’ she does not do anything …she is just a housewife!’.

In many modern couples, especially the working couples a question of gender equality does rake its head at some point of time.

But then …there are couples where this question does not arise at all, because the roles are clearly defined.

The man earns and provides for the family, and the women are supposed to take care and run the household.

But, among many couples the men hold a chauvinistic attitude, demanding total subjugation from their wives.

The husband dominates in every area and there is just no question of any difference of opinion or arguments on any issue as any protests are not entertained.

The husband makes all the decisions … his word is law…no objections are just not given any consideration. .and the wife is expected to toe the dictates mutely and she does so. Just to maintain the peace at home.

Take the case of Atul and Mita.

Though Mita has done her Interior Designing course and wanted a career but as Atul did not want a working wife. ..her worried and harrassed father agreed to Atul’s demands.Later ..they cajoled Mita saying that she would enjoy a good life as Atul was highly placed why worry to go out and earn ? Instead why not enjoy a comfortable life at home ?

But Atul expected Mita to take care of the household chores herself with the help of a one hour- daily maid and also take care of his ailing Dad.

After two kids….Mita found her hands full…what with attending to the kids, and attending to his ailing father.
As she took special care of their studies… her kids topped in their class.

When Atul had friends over for dinner … they would marvel over the very artistically done up spik and span home adorned with Mitra’s paintings. ..all the artefact’s glistened and the blooming fresh plants… and they raved over the multicourse gourmet meal.

As Mita blushed…when they also praised her kid’s upbringing…Atul commented wryly ‘ she doesn’t do anything …what else will she do? After all …she is just a housewife!

She does …what all housewives do … if she doesn’t do this much … what’s so big about it? ‘

Mitra’s face fell…and many guests did not approve of Atul’s remarks as they were aware of the efforts Mita put in for everybody’s happiness.

Specially Nikhil…their single – father neighbour who had watched Mita’s daily schedule. We men slog all day in the office to keep them in comfort …while madam relaxes and watches the TV under A.C..…he guffawed !

What Atul said was not true.
Mita awoke at organise the kids breakfast …tiffin and prepare them for school … see them off at the school bus.
Attend to her father in law’s tea/ breakfast / medicines and a bit of slow morning exercises.

Then serve tea to Atul and prepare his breakfast (he needed a variety daily) … set his clothes and after seting him off … rush through the other household chores and prepare his tiffin.

Atul wanted a different special menu daily so that he could brag about his food to his colleagues!

Again later …check on his Dad …his bath / lunch and his evening stroll in his wheelchair.

In between she would attend to the kid’s tuitions and or hobby classes.

Later …check on their homework…cook dinner …feed them and put them to bed.

Then …on Atul’s return from office she would stand on attendance on his Lordship!

After cleaning up the kitchen after dinner …preparing the kid’s uniform and pack their school bags for next day would she at last get the respite to go to bed late night while Atul snored !

One wonders when Mita gets the chance or the time to watch TV in AC!

One gets breathless just to recount her daily chores.

Isn’t it surprising that Atul never attended to his Dad or took him to the Dr.,but it was Mita’s duty .Did he ever attend the kid’s parents meet at their school ? Never .Well he is busy with work.
May be he has no idea about the kid’s education or his Dad’s ailments.

If Mita had not be running the house so efficiently in well oiled manner. … Atul would not feel free to concentrate on his business and be so relaxed.

But … it did not take him a moment to make Mita’s efforts look so small and unappreciated. May be he just did not realise her contribution.

So what ..if she did not bring in a salary ?
In her place one would need a cook ..a full day maid …a nurse for his ailing Dad ..may be an aya for the kids ….so how much expenses that would add up to ?

This is the case with many chauvinistic husbands who try to belittle and ignore or scoff at their wife’s contributions and sail high on their ego as the breadwinner.

They fail to realise that a woman… a wife …a mother is the main pivot who holds the strings of the household.

She is the hearth … the fountainhead from where she imparts and imbibes the ‘ sanskaar ‘….the basic education and influences that moulds a child’s mind and personality.
How can one deny such a major contribution of a housewife?

I remember a very interesting note I had read somewhere.
An employer once asked his staff …can one get a worker …
Who will work free without a salary.

Work 24/ 7.
Not take any leave even on Sundays or festivals or even any sickness leaves !
Never complain …and demand anything and work silently and smilingly.

The staff laughed and replied …’ how can you get an employee who will be so stupid and illogical to agree to such requirements?

The Employer smiled and replied. ..yes …there is such a worker….A Housewife !!!

Without her help the whole household will collapse.

She is the most unappreciated…un- acknowledged …but un- replaceable house – help …
‘The House wife ‘ !!!

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