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Japan has made remarkable progress in waste management compared to other countries…..

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News Stardom : kolkata, 22nd August, 2023. Japan has made remarkable progress in waste management compared to other countries. Twenty students from different schools of this state are leaving for Japan next September to see Japan’s modern education system and long-term development.
In a statement, Prof. Sadhan Kumar Ghosh, Dr. Misuzu Asari, Mr. Partha Pratim Baidya and a number teachers from different schools said that 20 students of higher classes (Class VII to XII) will visit Japan during January-February and September – October next year. The international society of waste management, Air and Water (ISWMAW) and the Japanese Society of Materials Cycles and Waste Management (JSMCWM) will arrange the travel plans in consultation with the host schools in Japan. Similarly, 20 students of middle and higher classes from Japanese schools will visit Kolkata. The time will be decided later. Each student will be hosted by the student in other country for 10 days to reduce the cost of accommodation and food in both the countries. The team of student may be accompanied by one or two willing teachers. Initially the cost of travel will be borne by the student and the teachers. In later stage the sponsors may be explored.

The students will learn the culture, education systems and best practices in SDGs in the visiting countries. On the other hand, the visiting students will exchange the same with the host student.

The Indo-Japan Collaborative Delegation consisting of twenty-one members from Japan visiting Kolkata during 21st to 24th August 2023.

The “SDGs Leadership Development Program among Youth” was held on 22nd August at the Dr Triguna Sen Auditorium in Jadavpur University from 9am to 11.30am. Mr. Pratim Baidya, Headmaster, Jadavpur Vidyapith, welcomed all the delegates. Prof. Sadhan Kumar Ghosh, Leader of the Indo-Japan Collaborative Delegation explained the significance of the delegation visit and presented the plan of actions of the collaboration between the school in Japan and India for learning the culture, education systems and best practices in both the countries. Dr. Misuzu Asari, Leader of the 21 ember Japanese team and Asso. Professor, Kyoto University, said that the plan of actions made in consultation with Prof. Ghosh, and other responsible teachers, officers and the schools will be implemented soon. Dr. Partha Karmakar, W.B.E.S., Deputy Secretary, WBBPE, Govt. of West Bengal has expressed his gratitude to organise such an important program by the international society of waste management, Air and Water (ISWMAW) and the Japanese Society of Materials Cycles and Waste Management (JSMCWM). He said that all sorts of cooperation will be rendered by the department.

The program was attended by nearly 250 students and 50 teachers from seven high schools from Japan and 40 High Schools from, Kolkata, South 24 Pgs., North 24 Pgs., Nadia, Howrah, Purba Burdwan and Hooghly in different districts of West Bengal. The students of high schools from Japan and West Bengal performed different activities, namely Dance, Songs, speech, recitation and other relating to Sustainable Development Goals.

This way the Indo-Japan Collaboration initiative will be able to develop SDG leadership among the youth. On hearing the plan, the students from bothy the countries were excited and commented to implement the plans soon. Next meeting with all the details will be discussed in September end by the stakeholders.

It was proposed that the “SDG Congress for School Students’” will be held during January 5-6, 2024 jointly by ISWMAW and JAMCWM where the students will exhibit their best performance and projects related to SDG. Nearly 150 schools across the globe are expected to join. The help and support from the state and central government will be sought for.

Prof. Dr. Sadhan Kumar Ghosh, the main person behind the collaboration initiative and the leader of the Indo-Japan Collaborative delegation said that the ISWMAW and JSMCWM will be able to develop the sense of sustainable development and effective waste management in the school levels.


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