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50th National Convention of Company Secretaries inaugurated in Kolkata….

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50th National Convention of Company Secretaries inaugurated in Kolkata
A number of National and International Initiatives announced

News Stardom : Kolkata, 1st September 2022, The Institute of Company Secretaries (ICSI) announced a number of new initiatives at its three-day 50th National Convention of Company Secretaries in Kolkata attended by over 1100 delegates in person from all over India and 4,500 members joined in virtually. This year’s Convention themed `Company Secretary: A Vishwaguru in Governance and Sustainability’ will explore the renewed role and responsibility of Company Secretaries (CS) in response to the changing dynamics of the regulatory environment.
Appreciating the Institute for its immense contribution towards making India a 5 trillion economy, Special Guest of the occasion, Shri Chandra Shekhar Ghosh, Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer, Bandhan Bank said, “Without governance, no organisation can work or grow and Company Secretaries are playing a key role in ensuring transparency, accountability and integrity, the key fundamentals of good governance and sustainability in India Inc.”
“ICSI has undertaken a number of national and international initiatives and projects that are at various stages of implementation. At the Convention there would be capacity building and forward-looking sessions engaging 7000 plus CS members from across India,” said CS Mr Devendra V Deshpande, President, ICSI.
Some of the key ICSI initiatives on the anvil are:

•New Centre of Excellence in Kolkata: ICSI, which has the Eastern India Regional Council (EIRC) in Kolkata, is coming up with a new centre of excellence (CoE) at Rajarhat New Town. Kolkata. This would be one of the most important training premises or infrastructure of ICSI. The CoE is expected to start operations by the end of 2022. This would greatly benefit the CS and students. ICSI has also an academic connection with students through MoUs with different Universities and Institutes, including IIM, and conducts various programs and courses that impart skills and increase their employability.
•New ICSI Syllabus: ICSI today formally launched a whole New ICSI Syllabus which is in sync with the New Education Policy of the Government. The new syllabus would be effective from 2023 onwards. ICSI has factored in over 5000 feedbacks and suggestions from the general public while drafting the new syllabus.

•New ICSI overseas Centre in Canada: ICSI formally announced and virtually launched a new overseas centre in Canada. This would be the sixth ICSI Overseas Centre after Australia, Singapore, UAE, USA and UK. The ICSI team will go to Canada by the end of 2022 to formally inaugurate the centre. The ICSI overseas centres cater to the needs of overseas students and professionals.
•ICSI International Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR) center: The Institute formally announced the launch of its own `ADR Centre’ at the National Convention. Arbitration, mediation, conciliation, negotiation are a part and parcel of ADR addressing commercial disputes. A new company has been incorporated for this purpose. ICSI will start a pilot project from Hyderabad and has the full support and guidance of the Ministry of Law and the mandate is to open 20 such ADR Centres across India.
•ICSI-West Bengal Government MoU on MSMEs: ICSI is gearing up to sign an MoU with the West Bengal Government to provide services to the MSMEs. This would provide wide-ranging support to the MSMEs in the state and help them to garner maximum benefits available under various scheme.



About ICSI: The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) is a premier professional body set up under an Act of Parliament, i.e., Company Secretaries Act, 1980, for the regulation and development of the profession of Company Secretaries in India. It functions under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India. The Institute, being a pro-active body, focuses on best and top-quality education to students of Company Secretaries Course and best quality set standards for CS members. The Institute has 72 Chapters spread across four zones with over 69,000 members and around 2 lac students on its roll.

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