News stardom : kolkata, 28th. August 2021. South Asian diaspora’s leading Indian cultural activist Chandra Cakraborty, Founder of Kalakar Arts, UK, launched her book Chhoye Taarer Tanpura at the Kolkata Press Club in the presence of leading music maestros Kumar Bose, Tejendra Narayan Majumdar an Mashkoor Ali along with others. The book has been published by Boi Chitro.
Since the past one year, Chandra Chakraborty and her Kalakar ART UK has been featuring programs on her Guru AT Kanan to celebrate his birth centenary andmany leading music stalwarts of India has been part of the Centenary series. Commenting on this the Tabla maestro Kumar Bose said, “It is rare in these times to witness such devotion towards the Guru”, he himself participated twice virtual tributes to AT Kanan. He expressed his deep sense of satisfaction being able to be physically present at the formal launch of Chhoye Taarer Tanpura.
Pandit Tejendra Narayan Majumdar emphasised the need to read the book to all for understanding the knowing the life and times of a doyen like AT Kanan and his wife Malabika Kanan. He along with his wife and sarod playing son have participated in Kalakar’s online events on AT Kanan previously.
Chhoye Taarer Tanpura speaks about Chandra Chakraborty’s unencumbered memories with her Guruji AT Kanan and his wife Vidushi Malabika Kanan. The book is a chronicle of her fond moments and memories of music and numerous comedic yet ephemeral instances at the SRA (Sangeet Research Academy).
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